Make Some Cash With An Old Mobile Phone!
Are you thinking of buying a new mobile phone? Sell the old one and earn some cash before it loses its worth. Tech Base Shop offers a wide variety of mobile phones and a number of services to its valuable customers that best suit their requirements.
Trade An Old Phone For A New One
Tech Base Shop provides an option of trading an old mobile phone for a new one while paying only for the difference. This is a cost effective solution. The old phone’s condition and its specifications are checked before its pricing. A range of new mobiles is available according to the customer’s budgetary limits.
Sell A Phone For Cash
Our services include buying used phones for cash. The price is determined after thorough checking of the phone. Easy access to cash is offered after the price is conveyed to the customer once he/she agrees to the terms and conditions.
Buy A Used Phone
If you are looking for a used phone in a good condition, you are at the right place. We sell used phones with a 7 days warranty. Accessories in good condition are also a part of the package. The same day return can be arranged if the buyer does not like the phone for any reason. We offer the most competitive prices in the market. Get in touch with our friendly staff today for the best buying and selling at Tech Base Shop. Call us at +440 141 9428559.